
Outside spaces

The Can Foix holiday camp lies amid 23 hectares of woods, fields, open spaces and rocky terrain, through which the River Foix runs. Visitors can enjoy all this beauty whilst taking part in activities, games and trips, discovering the local natural environment.


Play areas
Large, flat areas formerly used as terraces and fields to grow different crops. These spaces are now occupied by sports pitches (football, volleyball), a children's playground and other facilities.


The River Foix
The river is dry for most of the year, enabling us to enjoy spectacular trips along its bed. A fantastic opportunity to discover the peculiarities of rivers from the inside. This is a particularly enthralling feature of the Can Foix site.


Fruit trees
A score or more of different fruit-giving trees forming a lovely landscape and-if the time is right-enabling us to enjoy delicious mandarins, figs, lemons, almonds and even pomegranates.


Paths, woods and fields
The farmhouse is a perfect base for walks to the nearby woods, vineyards, stony areas and other typical local sites.


The ice well
The ice well, conserved almost perfectly intact, stands beside the house, telling us a little about the history of this farm, now a holiday camp.


La Talaia
This "watchtower" is the highest point in the area, commanding superb views over the house and giving us a bird's-eye view of the entire Penedès and Garraf counties.


The area has its own microclimate so that, unlike the rest of Garraf county, it boasts enormous plant diversity, thanks to the higher ambient humidity and to the existence of a large wooded area. Generally speaking, winters here are mild, whilst the weather is more variable in spring and autumn, and summers are hot and dry, as they are throughout the Mediterranean region.

The area around the farmhouse is also the habitat of a large diversity of animal life: foxes, wild boars, squirrels, herons, partridges, swallows and even seagulls gone astray from the nearby sea. Tracks and other marks left by these animals are easy to find within the grounds of the estate.


Can Foix lies on the slopes of the Garraf Massif, between the Foix Reservoir and the Mediterranean Sea. Though so close to the sea, the natural landscape is well conserved, as it forms part of a protected area.


Mediterranean vegetation predominates around Can Foix. However, the environment in and around the house and grounds is different from that found in nearby areas in Garraf and Penedès counties. This difference is due to the high humidity levels generated by the proximity of the reservoir and the river subsoil, and to the local relief, which encloses the area. Here, pine, holm oak, kermes oak, fan palm, heather and other typical local plant species are found in abundance, forming a green blanket rarely found elsewhere in Garraf county. Moreover, the fruit trees on the estate, and the other species not generally found in this area (oak, fir) add yet more unique distinction and fascination to the vegetation at Can Foix.


Casa de colònies Can Foix

Youth Hostel Can Foix
Rd. BV 2115 km 6
Cubelles (Barcelona)

T. 661 658 192 / 938 149 542
[email protected]

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T. 661 658 192 - 637 754 277
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